Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Moved from Mon 11/12/17, Council, Monday, 18th December, 2017 6.30 pm, MOVED (Item 63.)

To consider the following Notice of Motion submitted by the deadline of noon Thursday 30 November 2017.


The following Notice of Motion was submitted by Councillor Miss K S Wood and seconded by Councillor D Barnes.


"WDC notes the increasing concern of councillors and members of the public regarding an apparent rise in instances of anti-social behaviour across the district and within Wycombe town centre in particular.

WDC believes giving greater prioritisation to the enforcement of available anti-social behaviour measures by Thames Valley Police will improve the situation before it becomes overly detrimental to the residents, businesses and visitors to the district.

WDC resolves to seek swift re-prioritisation of TVP resources to tackle this issue in conjunction with improved partnership working with other stakeholders to improve neighbourhood policing."



A motion was submitted by Councillor Miss K S Wood and seconded by Councillor D H G Barnes.


"WDC notes the increasing concern of councillors and members of the public regarding an apparent rise in instances of anti-social behaviour across the district and within Wycombe town centre in particular.

WDC believes giving greater prioritisation to the enforcement of available anti-social behaviour measures by Thames Valley Police will improve the situation before it becomes overly detrimental to the residents, businesses and visitors to the district.

WDC resolves to seek swift re-prioritisation of TVP resources to tackle this issue in conjunction with improved partnership working with other stakeholders to improve neighbourhood policing."


In proposing the motion, the Leader began by emphasising that it gave her no pleasure in bringing this forward before Full Council. She stated that Thames Valley Police (TVP) was an outstanding and exemplary force providing an excellent service overall for our residents. As such she had a great deal of respect for the force and was very grateful for the work they did.


The Leader stated that in spite of this she could not ignore that anti -social behaviour across the district was on the rise, and that implementation of policies and programmes alone designed to minimise such activity were ineffective in tackling the problems which presented themselves. The only way to resolve such issues was by working in close collaboration with TVP.


The Leader went onto state that whilst she fully understood that the significant levels of operational rationalisation and efficiency measures had an impact, she felt that TVP had not given the increasing level of disorder and unrest the focus required to shut it down before it became too established in such areas as Frogmoor. She also gave mention to the negative response Councillor A Hussain had received from Chief Constable Habgood at a CC meeting with regards to the issue, whereby it had been asserted that enforcement was not the first option. The importance of engaging and working closely with charitable organisations locally was re-emphasised, but that TVP was now required to support us.


In seconding the motion, the Deputy Leader stated that he wished to echo the proposer`s words and sentiments in every respect. He highlighted that he was passionate about improving and protecting the community, and had positive memories of working with the police who had very much shared that passion. As such he felt a sense of disappointment in having to present such a motion.


He emphasised that he felt that TVP had focused resources and strategy away from dealing with the types of low level crimes rife at Frogmoor. He informed the Members that he had been alarmed that upon having challenged on the issues of concern, TVP had connected the problems to the current level of homelessness in the district. The Deputy Leader felt that it was essential to draw a clear distinction between homelessness and anti-social behaviour.


The seconder then reiterated the duty to work together in tackling the issues, and expressed the Council`s heartfelt desire to work, engage and achieve together.


In opening up the debate to members, Councillor Ms J Wassell stated that there should be an interagency effort towards contributing resources to the cause. This she emphasised may not be in the form of hard cash but may be achieved through a set of plans and initiatives. She stated that the origins of this behaviour was brought about by a very complex set of underlying issues, which TVP alone would struggle to tackle. As such she felt that a more generous spirit towards the TVP should be displayed.


Councillor Ms J Wassell wished to propose an amendment to the motion. The proposal included the insertion of additional wording in the third paragraph of the submitted motion which would read as follows. "WDC resolves to seek swift reprioritisation of TVP, WDC and partner agencies who need to ensure resources."   


Debate on the amendment then followed: 


Councillor M Knight agreed that the Police alone could not shoulder the responsibility particularly in the light of severe budget cuts to the Police on a national level. He expressed the view that other options besides enforcement should be considered and that there should be an equal emphasis to deliver the desired outcomes.


Another Member pointed out that neighbourhood policing was limited and that there was a strong need for people on the ground. It was also highlighted by Councillor A Turner that the amendment was unnecessary, as the motion in its current form already dealt with the issue of partnership and collaboration in its final paragraph.


Upon a vote being taken the amendment was lost and the debate returned to the motion as originally proposed.


Councillor A Hussain also commented that he was very passionate about the Town Centre and that the current situation there saddened him deeply. He stated that someone needed to take a leading role, with a set timeline put into place for action to be taken.


  A number of other Members also rose to present their views. Councillor L Wood stated that WDC was already doing much in collaboration with Partners to tackle the situation, and it was through an act of desperation that TVP was now being asked to step up and play their part in dealing with the issue at hand.


In summing up the Leader concluded that she still believed that the Force was an outstanding one, but that there was a very real concern as to the rise in anti- social behaviour for which swift action was required to be taken. She had felt heartened by Superintendent Brown`s willingness to engage, but that this attitude was required from officers at every level. As such she hoped that the Chief Constable would work with WDC to develop joint projects that addressed the needs of the whole District.


Upon a vote being taken, the motion was carried as a result of more than half of those Members present voting in favour of the Motion.